318-442-5743 sales@ttalx.com

Using TTALX Remote Access Tools

Our clients enjoy the same remote access tools that our support team uses each and every day. Please follow these steps so that you are able to access your computer remotely.

You will need both your cell phone and your computer.

Download an Authenticator App such as Authy

Open a browser and go to: https://control.itsupport247.net

Email ID: you@yourcompany.com

Password: Provided by TTALX

Scan the barcode with your authenticator app and put the 6 digit code in the space provided (this changes every 30 seconds)

Click the little green computer icon in the row that says “Resource Name” (highlighted in red in the picture).

Click the lightning bolt and then click “Send Ctrl-Alt-Del”

Put your password in that you use to login to your office computer and you are ready to work on your computer remotely. 

Great! You now have remote access to your office computer. Please contact our staff at 318-442-5743 or support@ttalx.com if you have any issues.